Image: Cape Renard Cape Renard

Paradise Harbour
21 February 2006    
We untied the Evohe and motored out from the sheltered channels of Vernadsky base at 7.30am while the team slept. Our intended climbing location for the day was accessible but threatened to be cut off by the building SW wind pushing bergs into the landing site. So we decided to head Nth again and this time with the sheltered anchorage of Paradise Harbor as our destination. We traveled once again through the Lemaire Channel and since we had better weather than on our journey south, a rather extensive array of cameras appeared one deck. Several Minke whales passed the boat on their southward journey and penguins and seals were in abundance. The highlight of the journey was watching 5 Seals trying to stay on an unstable ice berg. As one Seal moved, the berg would tip and invariably one of the others would slide uncontrollably into the water. This would cause the berg to tilt and the other Seals would wobble towards the high side of the berg in an attempt to stay on. At the end of the game one victorious Seal had the berg to itself!
Soon we will anchor in Paradise harbour in readiness for tomorrow's activities.
Cheers for now - Guy

Previous Dispatches

Back to sea    20 February 2006
After our looong day yesterday, we finally said goodbye to Prospect Point and turned north to head back to Verdnasky Station.
We have a standing invitation to dinner there, and also plan on gettin


Thrashing ourselves senseless    19 February 2006
Another beautiful day with blue skies and 10cm of fresh snow. Guy took Gerry and Mark Bryan for a climbing attempt on Mt Sharp, a difficult looking peak towering above the harbor. They backed off due


Prospect Point playtime    17 February 2006
Here anchored off Prospect Point, today was a day that saw everyone "sacking it up", (this is a phrase we started using to describe going hardcore after seeing it in a skiing video a few days

Later dispatches - Previous dispatches