October 4, 2005    5

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The Nene Goose    October 5, 2005
Day 2 - We wake up in Waikapu with a Hawaiian Nene Goose greeting us. It sits on the roof of our house and quacks at Kevin and watches Avery as he does the last minute chores. The Nene is rare and i


Departure Day    October 5, 2005
Kevin, Avery and Eric receive training from Jill on the use of the contact 3.0 software at the Maui Tropical Plantation. While we had challenges in the beginning of the trip, we think we have solved


OGG to ORD    October 5, 2005
Okay, so why do we always start our expeditions in Maui?

Well, we're flying half way around the world, and doing it in steerage is just not the best option to do it in. Through our close a

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